Welcome to Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance!
The preliminary discussion had with the vice-chancellor of the Eastern University, Professor A.Rameez Dr Suratissa Dissanayake, Director/CEO of SLILG to sign an agreement to conduct certificate courses for Officers working in Local Authorities in Eastern Province.
Accordingly, a certificate course in Environment protection and Solid Waste Management, a certificate course in Wastewater Management and Rainwater Harvesting, a certificate course in Project Management, a Certificate course in Library Management (Koha) and a certificate course in Local Government has planned to be conducted at the Eastern University in Tamil medium.
SLILG Sri Lanka will conduct all courses under the UNDP-CDLG project with the financial support of the European Union. Consultant of Physical Planning Mr Ajith Rathnayake and Deputy Director of Research and Development Mr P.S Dharmarathna participated in this discussion