Welcome to Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance!

Physical Planning division


The functions of Physical Planning division came into operation in the year 2003. Having studied the needs and assessed the requirement, module preparation was undertaken as a result of which training programs were started off from year 2004. The division is headed by a full time Consultant and is assisted by a Physical Planning Assistant. Local Authorities are maintained with the task of approving building plans, Identification of locations, efficient and rationalized land use and implementing the legislative provision of land use and building plans. The local authorities are expected to prepare plans in keeping with UDA and NPPD Laws and reforms such as awareness of a technical nature while mostly forgetting the human face in its application. Hence, this division covers an important field of Local Government activities on a development nature.  


Clause 3 of the SLILG Act No.31 f 1999, under the section three (3)  define the functions of the institute. Out of those functions the following are related to the Physical Planning Division. The Divisional objectives will be to perform the following actions for the well-being of the people who live in the area of jurisdiction of LA.

  • To provide training to the members and officers and servants   of provincial councils and Local authorities with a view to equipping them to perform their official duties efficiently and effectively.
  • To assist in the building up of a cadre of competent provincial and local government officers and personnel in the country, with a view to ensuring good governance.
  • To collaborate with other organizations in Sri Lanka or abroad having objects similar to those of the Institute.
  • To conduct, promote and assist research into all aspects of provincial and local government. 
  • To award certificates to those who have successfully completed the training course conducted by the Institute.
  • To undertake consultancy assignments in the field of provincial and local government.

  • To sponsor and hold, conferences and seminars and to publish books and magazines, on provincial and local government.